The Sunset Rug "Modern, Antique & Exquisite

The world of oriental Rug is a realm full of tradition, culture, and beauty. Since 1980 the Amini family in South Miami has been doing traditional Hand knotting art with love for first-class products, continuity, and expert service. Every year we go on several shopping trips to personally select carpets and then import them directly without having to resort to middlemen. For you as a customer, this means not only the highest level of quality but also noticeable price advantages.

At Sunset Rug you will find one of the largest, most current, and most extensive ranges of real oriental carpets in the region. We cordially invite you to personally convince yourself of our hand-knotted range. With this website, we would like to give you the opportunity to take a first look at our range and professional Service:
-Origin and background of different patterns
-Organic Wash and Expert Restoration
-Furnishing ideas and special promotions
The family Amini


How the (name of your brand) works.
1. Make an online booking for a date and time you prefer
2. A fully equipped, local carpet cleaner will show up at your doorstep
3. He will carefully inspect and deep clean your carpet or rug on site
4. Enjoy refreshed carpeting and a much healthier home